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From selected trucks by functionality
General Information
- Weight (ton)
- Tyre
- Fuel Tank
- Engine System
- 5TH Wheel
- Weight (ton)
- Tyre
- Fuel Tank
- Engine System
- 5TH Wheel
- Weight (ton)
- Tyre
- Fuel Tank
- Engine System
- 5TH Wheel
- Model
- Displacement
- Horsepower
- Bore X Stroke
- Round per minute
- Torque (nm/rpm)
- Max Power (kw/rpm)
- Model
- Displacement
- Horsepower
- Bore X Stroke
- Round per minute
- Torque (nm/rpm)
- Max Power (kw/rpm)
- Model
- Displacement
- Horsepower
- Bore X Stroke
- Round per minute
- Torque (nm/rpm)
- Max Power (kw/rpm)
- Max Power (kw/rpm)
- Max Power (kw/rpm)
- Max Power (kw/rpm)
- Max Power (kw/rpm)
- Max Power (kw/rpm)
- Max Power (kw/rpm)
- Model
- Final Ratio
- Model
- Final Ratio
- Model
- Final Ratio
Equipment in the illustration and details may be subject to change without prior notice. Before use, please refer to the detailed usage instructions in the vehicle manual for safety and operational efficiency.